OK OK..... Wats good world its you boy Flash checking in once again to share my thoughts. Aite so usually Im coming at yall to share some of the yung fly fresh shit I be on but today we gonna switch it up and do something a little difference. Its NBA playoff time as most of yall dudes know and a few ladies too. So yeah everybody that follows basketball could have predicted that the Cavs and Lakers would have made it this far but today im showing love for the UNDERDOG.... My nigga Carmelo Anthony. Yeah the Nuggets was number 2 in the west but a lot of yall niggas been sleeping on em. SO TODAY I AM BOLDLY PROCLAIMING THAT THE NUGGETS ARE TAKING HOME THE NBA CHAMPIONSHIP THIS YEAR... Thats right you heard it first right here from your boi Flash. Carmelo and the Nuggets are taking it home. Aite so I know alot of yall are like come on Flash how can you possibly pick the Nuggets to win it. Well thats easy...
1. MR. Big Shot Chauncey Billups- The addition of Chauncey Billups has totally transfromed the Nuggets into a completely new team. The Nuggets have never lacked talent and now with solid leadership at the vital point guard position the Nuggets are ready
2. Fire Power- If its one thing that stands out about the Denver Nuggets its its their abilty to put points on the board. Carmelo Anthony and Chauncey Billups are known consistent double figures guys. However, these are not the factors that the opposition shold worry about. In the last two series NeNe has emerged as an offensive threat having several big games. But WAIT...... Please dont let me forget about the X factor my nigga J.R Smith aka Istant Offense. J.R has shown time in and time out that he can come off the bench and fil up the score board in a hurry. Crazy athletisism and range in his jump shot. J.R gets busy flat out.
3. Carmelo Anthony- The Melo man is the most under rated superstar in the NBA but after this year he is finally about to get the respect he deserves. In the last two series against the Mavs and Hornets he has shown the ability to take over the game late in the fourth and hit the big shot. (Even if it should have been a foul). He is gonna be a handful for the Lakers.. Mr. Bryant better lace up those sneaks tight.
Lead the people's champ THE BIRDMAN CHRIS ANDERSON the Nuggets are finally starting to dig in on defense and hound opponents. Given that they already fill up the score board this is a SCARY revelation people....
Aite so yeah like I said before the Nuggets are winning it all this year people point blank period. Im sure alot of yall out there arent feeling me and arent on my level. But shit IM THE FLASH so Im alwasys 200 steps ahead of yall. So if you aint with me try and catch up (key word TRY). Well thats all your boi got for yall this time. And as always BE BACK IN A FLASH>>>>>>>>>>
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